Food Animal Veterinary Conference
The AUburn Marriott opelika
february 24-26, 2023
Up to 20 ce hours available

Lee Jones
Friday, February 24
Food Animal
- Vaccination & Fertility: Should We Be Using Modified Live Vaccines in Marture Cows
- Systems Approach to Reproductive Efficiency in Cow-Calf herds
Dr. Lee Jones is an Associate Professor of Beef Cattle Production Medicine with the UGA College of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Population Health. He serves as a Field Services Veterinarian with the UGA Tifton Veterinary Diagnostic and Investigational Laboratory. Dr. Jones received his DVM from Colorado State University in 1998 and his M.S. in Animal Science from UGA in 1987. He was Certified with AETA in 2000.
He is the Extension Veterinarian for Georgia, serves on the Georgia Beef Quality Advisory Board, currently serves as the AABP District 3 Director and also Director for the American Embryo Transfer Association
He was practice owner of Frontier Genetics International in Curtis, Nebraska for 10 years before returning to Georgia in 2010 in his current position. His areas of interest include advanced reproductive technologies in cattle, beef herd health and reproductive efficiency, and beef stocker calf health.

Friday, Februay 24
Food Animal
- How to Develop Herd Health/Ranch Consulting
Dr. Robert Gukich graduated with his BS in Animal Science and DVM from Auburn University. Following graduation, he moved back to his hometown of Lake Wales, Florida, where he opened Lake Wales Veterinary Hospital, a mixed practice that grew to a six-veterinarian hospital. He later sold his interest and started Lake Wales Large Animal Services, which provides veterinary services for more than 50,000 cattle in Florida. He also started G7 Ranch, Inc., with a herd of 1,300 cattle on 6,500 acres. Dr. Gukich has field experience in High Immune Responders and Trichomoniasis Research and has been featured in Dow AgroScience and Range & Pasture Steward as well as “TV RFD Channel,” “Cattlemen to Cattlemen” and “Only in America,” with Larry the Cable Guy. A member of the American Association of Bovine Practitioners, Society of Theriogenology, AVMA, Florida VMA, Academy of Veterinary Consultants and Florida Cattlemen’s Association, he is a Founding member of Florida Cattle Ranchers, LLC, Fresh from Florida Beef and has received the American Association of Bovine Practitioners’ Boehringer Ingelheim Excellence in Preventive Medicine Beef Award.

PhD, mS, BS
Friday, February 24
Food Animal
- Diagnostics (including chute-side) and Intervention Strategies for Control of BVDV
Dr. Falkenberg’s research has used large animal models to observe the impact of stress on production as well as developed multifactorial stress, viral and bacterial models to mimic the bovine respiratory disease complex (BRDC). Her post-doctoral research at the National Animal Disease Center (NADC) in Ames, IA focused on the impact of BVDV infections on the immune system. Following her post-doctoral work, Dr. Falkenberg was a research scientist at Elanco Animal Health working in cattle vaccine development. She returned in March 2016 to the NADC as a scientist to conduct research in support of the USDA-ARS Animal Health initiative specifically related to “Intervention Strategies to Control Viral Diseases in Cattle” with an emphasis in bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV). Dr. Falkenberg became the Coordinator of Animal Health Research at Auburn University College of Veterinary Medicine in March 2022.