Classified Ads

Select a Category

The ALVMA reserves the right to reject or revise any advertising material in our sole and absolute discretion at any time for any reason. In the event that the ALVMA does reject such advertising, or revises without your approval, the ALVMA shall return any pre-paid advertising fees to the extent impacted by such revision or rejection

Frequently Asked Questions

Classified ads are free to ALVMA members. Non-members will be charged a fee of $50.00 per month.

Yes. All ALVMA members are eligible to submit classified ads free of charge.

Classified ads run on a monthly basis.  You can indicate how long you would like your ad to run when you submit your ad. (i.e. one month, two months, etc.)

The categories for classified ads are as follows:

DVM Wanted

Technician Wanted

Relief Veterinarian Wanted

Practice for Sale

Equipment for Sale

There is currently no discount for purchasing multiple classified ads. However, if you choose to join the ALVMA, all classified advertising would be complementary.

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